Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Other Fathers Day Gifts / Hope (Tom, Ian, Geeky Stuff, Graces and Mercies)

I haven't been writing as much as I was a couple of weeks ago. The initial shock as passed, and now we're working on the routine (or, as I have told Deb, "the new normal.") I am still working full time, so I haven't had (or, more accurately, taken) the time for introspection and mentally chewing through what "the new normal" is. So, instead of my usually articulate and insightful posting (sprinkled with wry humor), today you get the blog equivalent of "shepherd's pie."

The present that Ian bought for me was something that he and I enjoy together: The Looney Tunes Golden Collection, Vol. 4. Never let it be said that I didn't take the time to give my son a classical education.

From Deb, I got Wii Fit. For a little over a year, I had been using a fitness video game called Yourself!Fitness. Wii Fit has advantages, such as a balance/scale unit that gives more feedback, and a male instructor. However, I'm still evaluating it. One disadvantage to Wii Fit is that it makes me think much more about my exercise routine than the program I have been using. It was nice to be able to turn my brain off and just follow the on-screen instructor, from warm-up, through the routine, then finally through cool-down. Wii Fit will most likely be more of a fun complement, but not necessarily a replacement. Also, as soon as Ian is more confident with his balance, hopefully he will want to try it out.

Finally, I came across this article in the Wired RSS feed. At this point, I can't waste my time and energy running down every treatment option that is available. We have the best care possible through the University of Minnesota, and I believe that we couldn't be in better hands. However, something like this is an answer to my (daily) prayer of "grace and mercy for today, hope for tomorrow."

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