Thursday, May 29, 2008

Unfolding, pt 2 (Temporal Echoes of the Eternal, Graces and Mercies)

A few more observations on the passage in Genesis 22:

verse 6 - Isaac had to carry the wood to (what could have been) his own sacrifice. There are so many obvious parallels between this passage and the crucifixion of Christ, such as Christ had to carry his own "wood" (the cross). My takeaway from this is that God doesn't ask us anything that He hasn't faced or was willing to do(through His incarnation as Christ). Times recently when I've told God that it isn't fair for my son to have to suffer, I get the response, "I understand." And I know that He does.

verses 7-8 - Isaac obviously knew the sacrifice ritual. It says that Abraham bound him and placed him on the altar, so Isaac knew what was coming. He was surely confused and scared, because he know what happens to things that are put on altars. Similarly, Jesus knew what was coming when He faced the cross. We've been fortunate that Ian hasn't known what's facing him, so his fear has been less, but that's quickly changing the more times he goes to the hospital.

verses 12, 15 - "...from me your son, your only son." I noticed that God didn't include "Isaac, whom you love" in these verses. Abraham obviously still loved Isaac, but he also proved that he loves God more than Isaac. Because of that kind of devotion, God gave Isaac back to Abraham, and fulfilled His promise to Abraham to make him the father of a great nation.

Nothing groundbreaking, like I said. Just my observations.

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